You can find the SSH configuration file at /etc/ssh/sshd_config
To edit this file, you will need to log into your server through shell as the root user.
To change specific parameters within sshd_config, you need to uncomment the line by removing the number-sign (#) and changing the value for the line. For example, the default SSH port appears in a line like this:
#Port 22
To change the SSH port to 456, you will need to make the line appear like this:
Port 456
After you are finished configuring SSH, you will need to restart the SSH daemon. You can do so by issuing the following command:
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
After you restart SSH, you will need to log out of your server and log in again using the proper user, IP address, and port number you specified in sshd_config.
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