How to Change Your Name Servers
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

How to Change Your Name Servers


How do I create custom Name Servers?


Creating custom Name Servers can be easily done in the Domain Manager.

Before you begin there are some things to consider.

  • Are you going to use us to host the website?
  • Are you going to host the domain someplace else?
  • Would A Records and C Names be a more suitable. For more on this please see How to Modify Your DNS Records

To begin make certain you are logged into your cPanel with us.

  1. Go to the Domain Manager tab at the top.
  2. In the Domain Manager, click to highlight the domain so that the right side populates with tabs.
  3. In the Name Server tab you will have the option to put in your custom Name Servers.
  4. You can create a custom Name Server with your domain. If I had I could use and The IP will automatically populate with out IP addresses.
  5. If you are using custom Name Servers that do not point, or resolve, here, then you only need to put them in. Our system can automatically detect their IP's.
  6. If you have a problem with putting in custom Name Servers there are a few things to check.
    • Are you receiving an error message? That usually tells us what is going on.
    • If the domain is registered through us?
    • Has the domain name expired?
    • Is all the domain contact/whois information correct and showing? If any of the required fields is missing you will have to enter that in as the Registry will not allow blank fields or bogus information.
    • Are you currently trying to transfer the domain? You cannot make any updates to a domain during a transfer. You will have to request that we terminate the transfer in order for you to make any Name Server changes.
    • Did you recently have the custom Name Servers created? It can take up to 72 hours for the custom Name Servers to propagate. It can also take some time for the other company to create them.
    • Do you have the correct IP addresses? You can query the Name Servers to see if they are responding. (A resource for that is ).If you don't get a response then you will need to contact the company that is creating them for you.
    • Another reason that the custom Name Servers are not working is that the location your are redirecting traffic to doesn't have the internal DNS entries (These are contained within the Apache settings usually). Here again you will need to contact the other company.
Video "How-to" Tutorial 338,509 views bookmark tags: cpanelutilities custom

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