Viewing Stats
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

Viewing Stats

HostMonster offers two different applications to view your site statistics, AWStats and Webalizer. Before viewing the AwStats or Webalizer tools, they must be enabled first.

Enabling Stats

  1. Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
  2. Click the Choose Stats icon, in the Statistics section.
  3. Check the stats programs (Awstats and/or Webalizer) that you would like to enable for any domains or sub domains hosted on your account.
  4. Click Save Changes.
The stats programs will start gathering information at that time and will display the previous day's statistics the next day (after 24 hours).

Viewing Site Statistics

  1. Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
  2. Scroll down to the Statistics section of the cPanel.
  3. Choose AWStats or Webalizer(We will use AwStats in our example).
  4. After selecting one of the Statistic programs, you will see a list of domains with statistic information available; select the desired domain. This will give you a vast amount of detailed information about your domain; including the amount of visitors, both returning and unique, how many pages were viewed, the duration of your visitor's stays, what your most popular pages are.
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