HostMonster Web Hosting Help
Create Custom MIME Types
MIME types allow you to change how the browser handles files with specific extensions types. This may be useful if you want to change the default action a web browser performs when a file is accessed. This article will explain how to use mime types with HostMonster web servers.
Creating a MIME Type
To create a MIME Type you can login to your account and use the Mime Types tool availible in the cPanel.
- Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
- Go to the cPanel section.
- Under the Advanced click on the Mime Types icon.
- On the MIME Types page, under the heading Create A MIME Type enter the MIME type you want to use and the file extension associated with it.
Common MIME Types
This table shows some common file extensions and the MIME types associated with them.
File Extension | MIME Type |
.3dm | x-world/x-3dmf |
.3dmf | x-world/x-3dmf |
.a | application/octet-stream |
.aab | application/x-authorware-bin |
.aam | application/x-authorware-map |
.aas | application/x-authorware-seg |
.abc | text/ |
.acgi | text/html |
.afl | video/animaflex |
.ai | application/postscript |
.aif | audio/aiff |
.aif | audio/x-aiff |
.aifc | audio/aiff |
.aifc | audio/x-aiff |
.aiff | audio/aiff |
.aiff | audio/x-aiff |
.aim | application/x-aim |
.aip | text/x-audiosoft-intra |
.ani | application/x-navi-animation |
.aos | application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software |
.aps | application/mime |
.arc | application/octet-stream |
.arj | application/arj |
.arj | application/octet-stream |
.art | image/x-jg |
.asf | video/x-ms-asf |
.asm | text/x-asm |
.asp | text/asp |
.asx | application/x-mplayer2 |
.asx | video/x-ms-asf |
.asx | video/x-ms-asf-plugin |
.au | audio/basic |
.au | audio/x-au |
.avi | application/x-troff-msvideo |
.avi | video/avi |
.avi | video/msvideo |
.avi | video/x-msvideo |
.avs | video/avs-video |
.bcpio | application/x-bcpio |
.bin | application/mac-binary |
.bin | application/macbinary |
.bin | application/octet-stream |
.bin | application/x-binary |
.bin | application/x-macbinary |
.bm | image/bmp |
.bmp | image/bmp |
.bmp | image/x-windows-bmp |
.boo | application/book |
.book | application/book |
.boz | application/x-bzip2 |
.bsh | application/x-bsh |
.bz | application/x-bzip |
.bz2 | application/x-bzip2 |
.c | text/plain |
.c | text/x-c |
.c++ | text/plain |
.cat | application/ |
.cc | text/plain |
.cc | text/x-c |
.ccad | application/clariscad |
.cco | application/x-cocoa |
.cdf | application/cdf |
.cdf | application/x-cdf |
.cdf | application/x-netcdf |
.cer | application/pkix-cert |
.cer | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.cha | application/x-chat |
.chat | application/x-chat |
.class | application/java |
.class | application/java-byte-code |
.class | application/x-java-class |
.com | application/octet-stream |
.com | text/plain |
.conf | text/plain |
.cpio | application/x-cpio |
.cpp | text/x-c |
.cpt | application/mac-compactpro |
.cpt | application/x-compactpro |
.cpt | application/x-cpt |
.crl | application/pkcs-crl |
.crl | application/pkix-crl |
.crt | application/pkix-cert |
.crt | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.crt | application/x-x509-user-cert |
.csh | application/x-csh |
.csh | text/x-script.csh |
.css | application/x-pointplus |
.css | text/css |
.cxx | text/plain |
.dcr | application/x-director |
.deepv | application/x-deepv |
.def | text/plain |
.der | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.dif | video/x-dv |
.dir | application/x-director |
.dl | video/dl |
.dl | video/x-dl |
.doc | application/msword |
.dot | application/msword |
.dp | application/commonground |
.drw | application/drafting |
.dump | application/octet-stream |
.dv | video/x-dv |
.dvi | application/x-dvi |
.dwf | drawing/x-dwf (old) |
.dwf | model/vnd.dwf |
.dwg | application/acad |
.dwg | image/vnd.dwg |
.dwg | image/x-dwg |
.dxf | application/dxf |
.dxf | image/vnd.dwg |
.dxf | image/x-dwg |
.dxr | application/x-director |
.el | text/x-script.elisp |
.elc | application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp) |
.elc | application/x-elc |
.env | application/x-envoy |
.eps | application/postscript |
.es | application/x-esrehber |
.etx | text/x-setext |
.evy | application/envoy |
.evy | application/x-envoy |
.exe | application/octet-stream |
.f | text/plain |
.f | text/x-fortran |
.f77 | text/x-fortran |
.f90 | text/plain |
.f90 | text/x-fortran |
.fdf | application/vnd.fdf |
.fif | application/fractals |
.fif | image/fif |
.fli | video/fli |
.fli | video/x-fli |
.flo | image/florian |
.flx | text/vnd.fmi.flexstor |
.fmf | video/x-atomic3d-feature |
.for | text/plain |
.for | text/x-fortran |
.fpx | image/vnd.fpx |
.fpx | image/ |
.frl | application/freeloader |
.funk | audio/make |
.g | text/plain |
.g3 | image/g3fax |
.gif | image/gif |
.gl | video/gl |
.gl | video/x-gl |
.gsd | audio/x-gsm |
.gsm | audio/x-gsm |
.gsp | application/x-gsp |
.gss | application/x-gss |
.gtar | application/x-gtar |
.gz | application/x-compressed |
.gz | application/x-gzip |
.gzip | application/x-gzip |
.gzip | multipart/x-gzip |
.h | text/plain |
.h | text/x-h |
.hdf | application/x-hdf |
.help | application/x-helpfile |
.hgl | application/vnd.hp-hpgl |
.hh | text/plain |
.hh | text/x-h |
.hlb | text/x-script |
.hlp | application/hlp |
.hlp | application/x-helpfile |
.hlp | application/x-winhelp |
.hpg | application/vnd.hp-hpgl |
.hpgl | application/vnd.hp-hpgl |
.hqx | application/binhex |
.hqx | application/binhex4 |
.hqx | application/mac-binhex |
.hqx | application/mac-binhex40 |
.hqx | application/x-binhex40 |
.hqx | application/x-mac-binhex40 |
.hta | application/hta |
.htc | text/x-component |
.htm | text/html |
.html | text/html |
.htmls | text/html |
.htt | text/webviewhtml |
.htx | text/html |
.ice | x-conference/x-cooltalk |
.ico | image/x-icon |
.idc | text/plain |
.ief | image/ief |
.iefs | image/ief |
.iges | application/iges |
.iges | model/iges |
.igs | application/iges |
.igs | model/iges |
.ima | application/x-ima |
.imap | application/x-httpd-imap |
.inf | application/inf |
.ins | application/x-internett-signup |
.ip | application/x-ip2 |
.isu | video/x-isvideo |
.it | audio/it |
.iv | application/x-inventor |
.ivr | i-world/i-vrml |
.ivy | application/x-livescreen |
.jam | audio/x-jam |
.jav | text/plain |
.jav | text/x-java-source |
.java | text/plain |
.java | text/x-java-source |
.jcm | application/x-java-commerce |
.jfif | image/jpeg |
.jfif | image/pjpeg |
.jfif-tbnl | image/jpeg |
.jpe | image/jpeg |
.jpe | image/pjpeg |
.jpeg | image/jpeg |
.jpeg | image/pjpeg |
.jpg | image/jpeg |
.jpg | image/pjpeg |
.jps | image/x-jps |
.js | application/x-javascript |
.jut | image/jutvision |
.kar | audio/midi |
.kar | music/x-karaoke |
.ksh | application/x-ksh |
.ksh | text/x-script.ksh |
.la | audio/nspaudio |
.la | audio/x-nspaudio |
.lam | audio/x-liveaudio |
.latex | application/x-latex |
.lha | application/lha |
.lha | application/octet-stream |
.lha | application/x-lha |
.lhx | application/octet-stream |
.list | text/plain |
.lma | audio/nspaudio |
.lma | audio/x-nspaudio |
.log | text/plain |
.lsp | application/x-lisp |
.lsp | text/x-script.lisp |
.lst | text/plain |
.lsx | text/x-la-asf |
.ltx | application/x-latex |
.lzh | application/octet-stream |
.lzh | application/x-lzh |
.lzx | application/lzx |
.lzx | application/octet-stream |
.lzx | application/x-lzx |
.m | text/plain |
.m | text/x-m |
.m1v | video/mpeg |
.m2a | audio/mpeg |
.m2v | video/mpeg |
.m3u | audio/x-mpequrl |
.man | application/x-troff-man |
.map | application/x-navimap |
.mar | text/plain |
.mbd | application/mbedlet |
.mc$ | application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0 |
.mcd | application/mcad |
.mcd | application/x-mathcad |
.mcf | image/vasa |
.mcf | text/mcf |
.mcp | application/netmc |
.me | application/x-troff-me |
.mht | message/rfc822 |
.mhtml | message/rfc822 |
.mid | application/x-midi |
.mid | audio/midi |
.mid | audio/x-mid |
.mid | audio/x-midi |
.mid | music/crescendo |
.mid | x-music/x-midi |
.midi | application/x-midi |
.midi | audio/midi |
.midi | audio/x-mid |
.midi | audio/x-midi |
.midi | music/crescendo |
.midi | x-music/x-midi |
.mif | application/x-frame |
.mif | application/x-mif |
.mime | message/rfc822 |
.mime | www/mime |
.mjf | audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile |
.mjpg | video/x-motion-jpeg |
.mm | application/base64 |
.mm | application/x-meme |
.mme | application/base64 |
.mod | audio/mod |
.mod | audio/x-mod |
.moov | video/quicktime |
.mov | video/quicktime |
.movie | video/x-sgi-movie |
.mp2 | audio/mpeg |
.mp2 | audio/x-mpeg |
.mp2 | video/mpeg |
.mp2 | video/x-mpeg |
.mp2 | video/x-mpeq2a |
.mp3 | audio/mpeg3 |
.mp3 | audio/x-mpeg-3 |
.mp3 | video/mpeg |
.mp3 | video/x-mpeg |
.mpa | audio/mpeg |
.mpa | video/mpeg |
.mpc | application/x-project |
.mpe | video/mpeg |
.mpeg | video/mpeg |
.mpg | audio/mpeg |
.mpg | video/mpeg |
.mpga | audio/mpeg |
.mpp | application/ |
.mpt | application/x-project |
.mpv | application/x-project |
.mpx | application/x-project |
.mrc | application/marc |
.ms | application/x-troff-ms |
.mv | video/x-sgi-movie |
.my | audio/make |
.mzz | application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz |
.nap | image/naplps |
.naplps | image/naplps |
.nc | application/x-netcdf |
.ncm | application/ |
.nif | image/x-niff |
.niff | image/x-niff |
.nix | application/x-mix-transfer |
.nsc | application/x-conference |
.nvd | application/x-navidoc |
.o | application/octet-stream |
.oda | application/oda |
.omc | application/x-omc |
.omcd | application/x-omcdatamaker |
.omcr | application/x-omcregerator |
.p | text/x-pascal |
.p10 | application/pkcs10 |
.p10 | application/x-pkcs10 |
.p12 | application/pkcs-12 |
.p12 | application/x-pkcs12 |
.p7a | application/x-pkcs7-signature |
.p7c | application/pkcs7-mime |
.p7c | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
.p7m | application/pkcs7-mime |
.p7m | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
.p7r | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp |
.p7s | application/pkcs7-signature |
.part | application/pro_eng |
.pas | text/pascal |
.pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap |
.pcl | application/vnd.hp-pcl |
.pcl | application/x-pcl |
.pct | image/x-pict |
.pcx | image/x-pcx |
.pdb | chemical/x-pdb |
application/pdf | |
.pfunk | audio/make |
.pfunk | audio/ |
.pgm | image/x-portable-graymap |
.pgm | image/x-portable-greymap |
.pic | image/pict |
.pict | image/pict |
.pkg | application/x-newton-compatible-pkg |
.pko | application/ |
.pl | text/plain |
.pl | text/x-script.perl |
.plx | application/x-pixclscript |
.pm | image/x-xpixmap |
.pm | text/x-script.perl-module |
.pm4 | application/x-pagemaker |
.pm5 | application/x-pagemaker |
.png | image/png |
.pnm | application/x-portable-anymap |
.pnm | image/x-portable-anymap |
.pot | application/mspowerpoint |
.pot | application/ |
.pov | model/x-pov |
.ppa | application/ |
.ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap |
.pps | application/mspowerpoint |
.pps | application/ |
.ppt | application/mspowerpoint |
.ppt | application/powerpoint |
.ppt | application/ |
.ppt | application/x-mspowerpoint |
.ppz | application/mspowerpoint |
.pre | application/x-freelance |
.prt | application/pro_eng |
.ps | application/postscript |
.psd | application/octet-stream |
.pvu | paleovu/x-pv |
.pwz | application/ |
.py | text/x-script.pyton |
.pyc | applicaiton/x-bytecode.python |
.qcp | audio/vnd.qcelp |
.qd3 | x-world/x-3dmf |
.qd3d | x-world/x-3dmf |
.qif | image/x-quicktime |
.qt | video/quicktime |
.qtc | video/x-qtc |
.qti | image/x-quicktime |
.qtif | image/x-quicktime |
.ra | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.ra | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin |
.ra | audio/x-realaudio |
.ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.ras | application/x-cmu-raster |
.ras | image/cmu-raster |
.ras | image/x-cmu-raster |
.rast | image/cmu-raster |
.rexx | text/x-script.rexx |
.rf | image/vnd.rn-realflash |
.rgb | image/x-rgb |
.rm | application/vnd.rn-realmedia |
.rm | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.rmi | audio/mid |
.rmm | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.rmp | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.rmp | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin |
.rng | application/ringing-tones |
.rng | application/ |
.rnx | application/vnd.rn-realplayer |
.roff | application/x-troff |
.rp | image/vnd.rn-realpix |
.rpm | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin |
.rt | text/richtext |
.rt | text/vnd.rn-realtext |
.rtf | application/rtf |
.rtf | application/x-rtf |
.rtf | text/richtext |
.rtx | application/rtf |
.rtx | text/richtext |
.rv | video/vnd.rn-realvideo |
.s | text/x-asm |
.s3m | audio/s3m |
.saveme | application/octet-stream |
.sbk | application/x-tbook |
.scm | application/x-lotusscreencam |
.scm | text/x-script.guile |
.scm | text/x-script.scheme |
.scm | video/x-scm |
.sdml | text/plain |
.sdp | application/sdp |
.sdp | application/x-sdp |
.sdr | application/sounder |
.sea | application/sea |
.sea | application/x-sea |
.set | application/set |
.sgm | text/sgml |
.sgm | text/x-sgml |
.sgml | text/sgml |
.sgml | text/x-sgml |
.sh | application/x-bsh |
.sh | application/x-sh |
.sh | application/x-shar |
.sh | text/ |
.shar | application/x-bsh |
.shar | application/x-shar |
.shtml | text/html |
.shtml | text/x-server-parsed-html |
.sid | audio/x-psid |
.sit | application/x-sit |
.sit | application/x-stuffit |
.skd | application/x-koan |
.skm | application/x-koan |
.skp | application/x-koan |
.skt | application/x-koan |
.sl | application/x-seelogo |
.smi | application/smil |
.smil | application/smil |
.snd | audio/basic |
.snd | audio/x-adpcm |
.sol | application/solids |
.spc | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
.spc | text/x-speech |
.spl | application/futuresplash |
.spr | application/x-sprite |
.sprite | application/x-sprite |
.src | application/x-wais-source |
.ssi | text/x-server-parsed-html |
.ssm | application/streamingmedia |
.sst | application/ |
.step | application/step |
.stl | application/sla |
.stl | application/ |
.stl | application/x-navistyle |
.stp | application/step |
.sv4cpio | application/x-sv4cpio |
.sv4crc | application/x-sv4crc |
.svf | image/vnd.dwg |
.svf | image/x-dwg |
.svr | application/x-world |
.svr | x-world/x-svr |
.swf | application/x-shockwave-flash |
.t | application/x-troff |
.talk | text/x-speech |
.tar | application/x-tar |
.tbk | application/toolbook |
.tbk | application/x-tbook |
.tcl | application/x-tcl |
.tcl | text/x-script.tcl |
.tcsh | text/x-script.tcsh |
.tex | application/x-tex |
.texi | application/x-texinfo |
.texinfo | application/x-texinfo |
.text | application/plain |
.text | text/plain |
.tgz | application/gnutar |
.tgz | application/x-compressed |
.tif | image/tiff |
.tif | image/x-tiff |
.tiff | image/tiff |
.tiff | image/x-tiff |
.tr | application/x-troff |
.tsi | audio/tsp-audio |
.tsp | application/dsptype |
.tsp | audio/tsplayer |
.tsv | text/tab-separated-values |
.turbot | image/florian |
.txt | text/plain |
.uil | text/x-uil |
.uni | text/uri-list |
.unis | text/uri-list |
.unv | application/i-deas |
.uri | text/uri-list |
.uris | text/uri-list |
.ustar | application/x-ustar |
.ustar | multipart/x-ustar |
.uu | application/octet-stream |
.uu | text/x-uuencode |
.uue | text/x-uuencode |
.vcd | application/x-cdlink |
.vcs | text/x-vcalendar |
.vda | application/vda |
.vdo | video/vdo |
.vew | application/groupwise |
.viv | video/vivo |
.viv | video/ |
.vivo | video/vivo |
.vivo | video/ |
.vmd | application/vocaltec-media-desc |
.vmf | application/vocaltec-media-file |
.voc | audio/voc |
.voc | audio/x-voc |
.vos | video/vosaic |
.vox | audio/voxware |
.vqe | audio/x-twinvq-plugin |
.vqf | audio/x-twinvq |
.vql | audio/x-twinvq-plugin |
.vrml | application/x-vrml |
.vrml | model/vrml |
.vrml | x-world/x-vrml |
.vrt | x-world/x-vrt |
.vsd | application/x-visio |
.vst | application/x-visio |
.vsw | application/x-visio |
.w60 | application/wordperfect6.0 |
.w61 | application/wordperfect6.1 |
.w6w | application/msword |
.wav | audio/wav |
.wav | audio/x-wav |
.wb1 | application/x-qpro |
.wbmp | image/vnd.wap.wbmp |
.web | application/vnd.xara |
.wiz | application/msword |
.wk1 | application/x-123 |
.wmf | windows/metafile |
.wml | text/vnd.wap.wml |
.wmlc | application/vnd.wap.wmlc |
.wmls | text/vnd.wap.wmlscript |
.wmlsc | application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc |
.word | application/msword |
.wp | application/wordperfect |
.wp5 | application/wordperfect |
.wp5 | application/wordperfect6.0 |
.wp6 | application/wordperfect |
.wpd | application/wordperfect |
.wpd | application/x-wpwin |
.wq1 | application/x-lotus |
.wri | application/mswrite |
.wri | application/x-wri |
.wrl | application/x-world |
.wrl | model/vrml |
.wrl | x-world/x-vrml |
.wrz | model/vrml |
.wrz | x-world/x-vrml |
.wsc | text/scriplet |
.wsrc | application/x-wais-source |
.wtk | application/x-wintalk |
.xbm | image/x-xbitmap |
.xbm | image/x-xbm |
.xbm | image/xbm |
.xdr | video/x-amt-demorun |
.xgz | xgl/drawing |
.xif | image/vnd.xiff |
.xl | application/excel |
.xla | application/excel |
.xla | application/x-excel |
.xla | application/x-msexcel |
.xlb | application/excel |
.xlb | application/ |
.xlb | application/x-excel |
.xlc | application/excel |
.xlc | application/ |
.xlc | application/x-excel |
.xld | application/excel |
.xld | application/x-excel |
.xlk | application/excel |
.xlk | application/x-excel |
.xll | application/excel |
.xll | application/ |
.xll | application/x-excel |
.xlm | application/excel |
.xlm | application/ |
.xlm | application/x-excel |
.xls | application/excel |
.xls | application/ |
.xls | application/x-excel |
.xls | application/x-msexcel |
.xlt | application/excel |
.xlt | application/x-excel |
.xlv | application/excel |
.xlv | application/x-excel |
.xlw | application/excel |
.xlw | application/ |
.xlw | application/x-excel |
.xlw | application/x-msexcel |
.xm | audio/xm |
.xml | application/xml |
.xml | text/xml |
.xmz | xgl/movie |
.xpix | application/ |
.xpm | image/x-xpixmap |
.xpm | image/xpm |
.x-png | image/png |
.xsr | video/x-amt-showrun |
.xwd | image/x-xwd |
.xwd | image/x-xwindowdump |
.xyz | chemical/x-pdb |
.z | application/x-compress |
.z | application/x-compressed |
.zip | application/x-compressed |
.zip | application/x-zip-compressed |
.zip | application/zip |
.zip | multipart/x-zip |
.zoo | application/octet-stream |
.zsh | text/x-script.zsh |
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tags: create custom extensions files mime types

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